On My Easel

Commissions in lockdown...
It has been a very strange few months being in lockdown, as I'm sure you are probably feeling yourself if you are in the UK and elsewhere around the world. Having my twins at home full-time from preschool has meant I've lost my mornings of work time but gained precious time with them instead. It's certainly not been an easy time to try and continue working in the rare bits of alone time I have. Nevertheless, I am beginning to try and implement strategies to get into a new normal routine. During this time I have been working on this secret commission of the beautiful Benji, who I can now share with you all. I had the pleasure of taking my own reference photos for this one, which was a real treat and the background was left entirely up to me. I love to tell a story, and I wanted to set the scene of him going for a lovely walk in the countryside down by the lake. I had an idea in my head of what I was wanting for the background, and I searched Pixabay and used some photos by Anthonios Ntoumas combined with some of my own photos for the foreground. My little girl loved looking at this one, and has been drawing her own Benji alongside me! I'm delighted to say the gift was very well received by his owner. Don't forget, if you would like your own picture creating of your dog (or any other animal!) then get in touch. You can find out more information in the commission section