On My Easel

Wisp the Cocker Spaniel - commission
Christmas Commissions Can Now Be Revealed!
Happy New Year!
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! I thought I'd start the year off by sharing with you one of my favourite Christmas commissions of the very beautiful Wisp who is a cocker spaniel. I completed it in pure coloured pencils on Stonehenge paper size 8"x12" using reference photos provided by the customer. The background is based on photos of the river where Wisp enjoys going for walks. The most challenging aspect of this picture was Wisp's beautiful wavy hair. I found by using a Caran D'ache Museum Aquarelle White pencil dry it was beautifully creamy and allowed some lighter hairs to be put in over the underneath darker layers. Definitely a pencil I will be adding to my collection! Watch this space for regular updates....