Would you like to learn to draw a Clouded Leopard with coloured pencils? Then look no further...
This is an in-depth 60 page step by step guide with over 100 photos to guide you through the process. Not only do I explain how in detail, but I also explain why to give you valuable tips and guidance that you can then apply to other coloured pencil projects.
Throughout this guide, you will learn how to;
* build up layers to create realistic fur textures,
* how to create deep rich blacks,
* draw realistic eyes, nose and ears,
* how to deal with drawing whiskers and white hair,
* create a bokeh background,
* it comes with an outline so you don't have to worry about drawing it out freehand (you can then either trace, use trace down or the grid up method to transfer to your drawing paper)
* and a full page reference photo.
"I've just finished reading your tutorial and I must say it's the most comprehensive and most well written tutorial I have ever seen. I have always struggled with backgrounds and your arrow system is very efficient." Isabelle P
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